We think our urinals are great but don’t just take our word for it, check out what these folks think of us!

PEEQUAL made it to Pride for the first time in 2023. It was a pleasure to be in a space which aligns so perfectly with our values, which are proudly displayed at every urinal location at all festivals.
The 18 urinal units at Bristol Pride were marshalled by friendly women, as they always are, creating a safe space for everyone who squats to pee to do so in peace. The inclusivity of our urinals was universally appreciated by festivalgoers, women, trans, and non-binary people alike!
Amazing. Genius idea and very inclusive as well.
Bristol Pride festivalgoer

Later on in festival season, we were at Brighton Pride. PEEQUAL’s 60 urinal units were at 4 locations across Preston Park. Being at the UK’s most popular Pride event was a joy, as you can see from our crew’s faces!
One of our locations was very close to the Main Stage, so no one had to miss out on a moment of that iconic Steps set!


London Marathon