We think our urinals are great but don’t just take our word for it, check out what these folks think of us!

We’d had PEEQUAL urinal units at Glastonbury 2022, so we were used to dealing with big festivals by the time we arrived at Download 2023. It was one of the first festivals of the season in 2023, and we were delighted to be greeted with happy rockers loving PEEQUAL! Our stickers flew off their rolls and we were flooded with positive feedback.
We had all 60 units built in just a couple of days thanks to their flat-pack design. They were all in one location; right next to Opus stage and within sight of Apex stage. Their proximity to these stages, alongside the enormous decrease in queuing time compared to the nearby portable toilets, meant that festivalgoers didn’t have to waste any time on peeing when their favourite bands were on stage.
As this was our first time at Download, crew and volunteers informed many a rock fan on how to use the PEEQUAL urinals. The testimonials from these rockers tells you how they found it!


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